About life and projects

Hey guys! How are you doing?

First of all, sorry for my long absence from social media. I can’t promise I will be posting as much as before yet but probably I am going to be more active than in the latest months. The latest months had been an emotional storm and I am just needing time to figure out things and enjoy some others.

Anyway, I want to share some updates regarding the projects I am working on and the game we made with some friends for a game jam, sorry I didn’t share too much about it. So let’s begin!

New Game: Grave Digger

A few weeks ago we participated with some friends in the 7DRL Challenge 2023 and made Grave Digger. The game was done in seven days and we were a total of four programmers, one artist, and a game designer.

The goal was to create a rogue-like game and we came up with a game where you would stack up a lot of combos that would trigger better abilities for the player.

During the development, we were lucky to be a lot of programmers because there was a lot to do and, at least I, wasn’t able to fully put my mind and heart into the project (sorry to my teammates for this!). I am glad though that I was able to help with all the UI logic, the shop system, and a few other details about the power-ups that were unlocked. Plus they did great work in the character movement and the enemies so kudos to them.

I don’t think I will be making a post-mortem about this one since I barely remember stuff from that week. With work and some personal stuff going around I really can’t recall a lot of stuff from it.

Anyway, if you haven’t played it and you like rogue-likes, I recommend you try it out and let me know what you think about it!

Current Projects

First of all, a small reminder that I will keep the Games section with not only the full list of games I worked on but also a small section with the games I am currently working on.

Now let me talk a bit about the current state of each of the games I am currently working on:

Summer Snow Day

We are currently working on chapter number 7 and only a few chapters left. There is still a lot of polishment to do to the game but we are very close to having the whole plot playable from beginning to end and I believe that is a huge accomplishment. Let’s hope everything keeps going on track and who knows, maybe the release date would be between this year and the next one. 🤞

Riverside Rumble

With FuNaNdMoRe we already started with some ideas for a boss and also he made a lot of polishment lately plus we made a big list of things I need to tackle next so I will be probably working on that. There is still a lot of work to do but after a long time of iterations, I feel pretty confident that this gameplay idea FuNaNdMoRe had was a good idea. Don’t know when this one will be finally ready since it is a side project for both of us but I believe we had made huge progress already.

Fight Daily! Auto Chess

Piglice has been doing a lot of art for the characters while Tyler has been working on a bunch of animations. On my side, I made a few fixes, and improvements on the balance and numbers that are being used, integrated some animations that Tyler made of the units, and integrated some UI stuff Piglice sent me.

I think the game is progressing pretty well in general but mostly thanks to their work lately. I am trying to go back on track with this one and hopefully share more updates. Well, I guess that can actually apply to the three projects.

Life Update

For last, a small life update since I won’t enter too many details. The short story is that I broke up with my partner. At least on my side, there are no regrets about the time spent and I am grateful for those. Also, I am doing pretty good right now but just need time for personal stuff and that’s why I hadn’t been too active lately.

Right now I had been focusing on spending time with friends, going out, learning to cook, exercising, practicing playing the bass, and just meeting new people in general. I can say that things are going well in general but of course, I went through some really rough times and mixed feelings.

Anyway, I won’t share more details about this, just wanted to give a small life update on how things are going in life and somehow justify my absence. Apart from the delays, I am doing good and a lot of good things had been happening in the last month, so don’t need to worry about me, I am just needing more time to see how life develops.

That will be all for now, thanks for reading and showing interest. Hopefully, the next update will be more about game development progress. Stay tuned!