Unity Portability Tester, programming and game updates

Hello, everyone!

Have a few updates regarding games, updates on the site and a new tool I started working on!

Unity Portability Tester

Let’s start with my new tool first! I uploaded to my GitHub the Unity Portability Tester and updated the Others page in the website.

Unity Portability Tester is a tool that let’s you know if all the dependencies of a prefab are under a special location. You will be able to designate a list of prefabs and check it’s component to see if all the dependencies are inside of a designated folder.

This is specially useful if you want to be able to make modules or features using a folder structure because it will let you know if there are unwanted external dependencies.

The idea came from having something extra to test at my work but I wanted to do it in my free time as personal practice. Probably, when I have it more poolished, I will show it and let them decide if it’s useful for us.

Programming posts

Another new thing that is also on the website is the Programming category. The idea is to add tutorials or programming post related eventually. For now, the first post I made is 4 Hoursemen of the Game Jams: 4 nasty tricks to get results fast in Unity so check it out if you haven’t yet!

Game Updates

Regarding my other projects, we are still working on Is This Still Tennis and Summer Snow Day.

For Is This Still Tennis we had been adding the enemies and a new type of projectile. We are adding as much content as we can so it feels complete as possible for a free web game of the old Newgrounds times.

Meanwhile, at Summer Snow Day we are, as always, adjusting details to make it a high quality visual novel. Using Unity for this one gave us a lot of control that maybe, most of the Visual Novel engines, can’t give us. Also, we had been working on the minigames the game offers and we will start working on a new chapter really soon.

So stay tuned!