What I have been doing

Hello, everyone!
Long time without making a new post here. Last weeks had been very busy but luckly things are calming down.
Anyway, this doesn’t mean I hadn’t been making anything, actually, I have a lot of updates. So, if you are interested, please keep reading!

Framework Goat

I had been adding updates to Framework Goat. Even I usually don’t post about the new stuff it has here, I usually do it at my Twitter.
Anyway, in case you have missed them, the biggest new highlights are:

  • Extensions: This year I had been adding extensions to the Framework. These extensions should facilitate working with Unity even more. All the new extensions are:
    • Vector extensions (setting individual axis values for example)
    • List extensions (shuffling and random items)
    • Rigidbody extensions (changing directions by keeping the magnitude for example)
  • Coroutine Manager: A new manager that lets you to start a new coroutine from any class and lets you manage it by using a string as id.

I will keep updating it as always but just wanted to mention these ones so you know it is still alive.

Summer Snow Day

Even more, Chad and I had been adding a lot of juice to the dialogue system of Summer Snow Day. One example is the addition of special colours for important information that the player should pay extra attention.

New text highlight in Summer Snow Day

Other updates include for example location tags and a bunch of small details as effects and fixes for the dialogues. I still can’t know when the first chapter will be 100% complete. We want it to be polished as much as possible.

Sons of Talos

Regarding Sons of Talos, we had been adding more and more content to it. Networking systems, UI, a river system and more had been under development for the last weeks.

Sons of Talos new camera system

Apart from making a lot of networking stuff, this week I worked in the camera system for the game so the player can move around and look at the level more freer.
We are aiming to have something actually playable before the end of this year.

Extra news

Apart from this. I had been working on a small mobile game with Juan Cecchetto, like when we made Unblocky. I posted a few updates on my Twitter account but maybe next week I make a bigger update here.
Also, I am going to change my job, I will probably make a post about it once that I start. Luckly, I am totally sure that it will be a great change for me.
Thanks for reading and please stay tuned!