Current side quests

Hello, everyone!

I want to make a quick update about the side quests I am actually pursuing. One of my goals for this year was to work a lot more on my secondary projects than last year. Because of this, you will probably be seeing a lot more updates regarding those projects even I don’t officially announce them on my games page.

I will be also updating this kind of project with the Sunday DevLog posts like this one (in case you are reading it from my website). Unless I officially announce I plan to finish one of these projects, in case I decide to not continue it anymore, it is probably I just stop making updates about them.

So, let’s start with my current side quests projects!

Stonks game

All the games I am going to mention here have placeholder names. I already mentioned this game in my 2021 resume.

This game is about investment in stocks or cryptocurrency. The idea is that the player will be given an initial amount of fake money and, using the real values of stocks and cryptocurrency, be able to trade it to win more money.

We had been mostly figuring out the basic UI and how to make the API work without having to pay a fixed rate of money. I think we already have most of it solved though we still have to implement it.

Also, not only do these things have to be in consideration, but we will also have to think about what else would be able to do the player in case he wants a more fixed investment for example if he decides to go to sleep for a few hours but still make money from it.

Dungeon with dices

The other side project I am working on, and probably the biggest one of the side projects, is a dungeon where you use a bunch of different dice as in Dungeon & Dragons but a mechanic similar to Yahtzee.

So far, we have the basic main loop where you can play as a warrior and fight against one type of enemy. Also, you can rest while being in the dungeon. And of course, most of the art is a placeholder for now 🙂

I have a big document with all the ideas we thought for it but, as a side project, I am trying to add the smallest features that generate the biggest impact because of the size of the project. Once I have those, I will be able to confirm if I plan to actually complete the game because it is fun.

Casual mobile game

Finally, for now, I am also working on a casual mobile game.

I am doing this one because I want to try out two things. From one side, I want to see if I can actually generate a profit from a mobile game though it is a very difficult thing without having a budget to buy users.

On the other hand, I am also thinking of actually giving it a budget for the production of the art assets (so far, I am using Kenney free assets in order to prototype it). I want to see if somehow I get a return on the investment of it although I am not totally sure about this idea yet.

So these are some of my side projects. I usually jump from one to another in order to don’t burn out with one same project. Doing this usually costs me speed in my projects but it helps a lot regarding motivation so I got used to doing it this way. With a bit of luck, I will find a way to balance time in order to make it a more productive year as I planned.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned 🙂