Pyroscape 4 underwork again!

Hello, everyone!

So I have a few updates about my projects I had been working on and a revival which I spoiled in the title.

Pyroscape 4

I had been trying to get some extra time for Pyroscape 4 and lately, I just decided to get back to it.

I wrote to CouchFro (from Newgrounds) and told him I was wanting to work on it and finish it. He resented me everything he had for it and I started coding for it again. This time, I had been doing it on Unity instead of Flash because a long time has passed since I started working on it.

For now, I had set a system to load all the videos and transitions from one part to another part. But! Most importantly, I had started working on the classic escape room. I made a whole system for it so I should be able to finish it quickly and keep working on the rest of the minigames.

Is this still tennis

For Is this still tennis we had been a bit on a pause lately but this week FuNaNdMoRe worked on making the enemies have a lot of animations and I added a small effect that returns the projectile to the enemy instead of just disappearing.

We will now be focusing on making the game more fun for the player. Right now we kinda fill a bit dull the gameplay but hopefully with some extra effects and a few tweaks we can make it a more fun experience like we planned originally.

Other news

About my other projects. We had been a bit on a pause for Summer Snow Day since we still need extra content to add to the game. Luckily for us, right now it is a lot easier to add content than to write the actual content. Probably after the game jam, we are going to have a lot of content to add so stay tuned for updates!

And talking about the game jam. This week we will be participating at the Scream Jam 2021. I will be posting as always on my Twitter account so make sure you are following me for the latest updates!

That will be all for now. Thank you for reading and stay tuned!