Hello, everyone!
As I do all the years, I wanted to make a 2020 resume and talk about all the things I had been doing from the development point of view.
I will be talking about Roque’s Life, Summer Snow Day, Is this still tennis?, Sense of Unity and games I did worked on at my current job.
Sense of Unity
This year was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the games I worked on this year was Sense of Unity.
We made this game for the Stay Safe Jam! at itch.io. I made a big post-mortem about it if you want to read it on detail.
It was a really fun thing to make with friends, sadly it was the only game-jam I participated this year. I decided to take a break from there in order to focus more mostly in Summer Snow Day which I am looking foward to finish as soon as possible though I don’t want to rush it.
Anyway, I wanted to note that this game gave us a lot of positive feedback. It got as frontpaged and daily first at Newgrounds, people made review videos about it and we are planning to make a game from it’s gameplay.
You can play the game online at Newgrounds or download it at itch.io.
Roque’s Life
I had been working with some of my friends on a game named Roque’s Life so far.
The game has as gameplay base the movement of Sense of Unity. So far, it is the first game we code applying TDD to it outside our job.
We have the character moving and some special tiles. As you can see from the screenshots, we still requiere a lot of art but it’s base is functional and it will allow us to add more content as we progress on it.
One of my fears is that from the art point, we aren’t getting much progress. Well, from any point, but hopefully everyone gets more time this following year to work more on it and get it done. We don’t want to rush it though and, even we already cut some features that were too much overhead, we don’t want to have an empty game so we will take the time we need if we finish it.
Is this still tennis?
Another project I had been working, this time with FuNaNdMoRe, is called for now as Is this still tennis?
As you can see in each screenshot. We had been making a lot of iteration to the gameplay. We used hitboxes, we used click to the projectiles, we used free stick movement… We want to make sure it feels funs to play so we are iterating it until we feel it right.
I hope we can finish this game during the following months. It shouldn’t be a big game because we are aiming to a web small game. Hopefully, you will be able to play it during the following months so stay tuned!
Summer Snow Day
Yes, we are still working on it 🙂 Actually, it is the game I had been working the most. Making a Visual Novel is pretty easy until you want to poolish it till it feels perfect.

This year something really fucked up happened. All the project got corrupted. But, really corrupted. Couldn’t recover anything.
Also, the code got really messy and the workflow we were using wasn’t the best one to keep adding dialogues. Because of all of this, I decided to remake most of the code using the TDD approach.
In addition to the TDD approach, we added Lauta, from Sense of Unity, to the project. Having another programmer that helps with the code and the setting of the dialogues made that in half year the work of two years. Also, now the code base is a lot more cleaner and scalable so we should be able to add dialogues a lot more faster than before!
I know I said this the last two years, but this time, I think we will be able to have Summer Snow Day by the end of the year. Or at least pretty close to be finished.
Games at Etermax
This is my first full year at Etermax, during this year, I worked in several games.
Of course my participation wasn’t the same as my personal projects, instead of being a team of 2, 3 or a bit more, at Etermax we are a team of around 50 during each project.
Anyway, it is still a lot of fun and I am having a great time working there and learning new stuff. I wanted to make a small recap of games I worked on during this year at Etermax.
From left to right:
- Words & Ladders: I worked mostly on the three game modes the game has. You can unlock the arenas by collecting them through your matches.
Play it on Android & iOS - Topic Twister: I was part of the prototype team that tried out different game mechanics for this game in order to find the best performing one.
Play it on Android & iOS - Trivia Crack Adventure: I was part of the team that prototyped the main meta game and also I prototyped the base for the minigame Temple Trial.
Play it on Android & iOS
Start of 2021
This time sadly I am not going on holidays to anywhere, you know, the global pandemic… But! My goal for this year will be to close current projects. I don’t want to start new ones till I finish what I am working on so hopefully I will get to release more games than last year.
Thank you a lot for reading and consider following me on Twitter if you aren’t. I will try to post more updates there.
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