Hello, everyone!
Long-time I don’t make a post, mostly because I changed my job and things were a bit slow while I was having both jobs at the same time. Anyway, I wanted to make a recap of the year as I did last time.
Met Roberto
This year I met Roberto (a.k.a FuNaNdMoRe) during my holidays. After so many years from Fun+Mono and never been able to talk together because of the distance, it was a nice thing to begin the year with metting for the first time with a great teammate and friend.
Suspended projects

Sadly, a few games got suspended this year. One of them was the VR Game I was making with some of my co-workers. Given the difficult of making it and the fact that the main-leader of the project got a new job, we just didn’t keep it up.

During this year, I participated in the Extra Credits Game Jam #3 with Alan Rosas, Hugo Miraballes, Martín Martelletti, Juan Cecchetto and Kevin Miles.
It was a nice project to do because it was the first time I got to work with Alan Rosas, sharing the programming part, and the first time to be so many in the same game jam. If you didn’t try it yet, you can play it here!

Also, this year I started working on mobile projects for the first time. It was a thing that never caught my attention until this year. The first project I finished was Unblocky, a combination with the classic game Simon and with the pattern unblocking system of most cellphones.
I liked how the concept turned out and also got the opportunity to try Photon for the multiplayer mode.
If you want to try it out, you can download it here.

Apart from Unblocky, this year I accepted a freelance job for öffnungszeitenbuch. As always, it was a pleasure to work with Kevin Miles and I think we pulled out a great advergaming in mobile and browser platform.
Anyway, I think I will take a break from freelance since I want to focus more on personal projects. Although, if I get to work with Frederick, the guy behind this project, I would probably reconsider this.
Summer Snow Day still underwork

I keep working on Summer Snow Day with Chad. We are aiming for the best dialogue experience possible so the game stands out from other visual novels. Hopefully, in 2020 we get to make a bunch of more plot work than this year were we focused on the feel of the game mostly.
Firenze VR

Even the first project planned in VR got canceled, this year I and my friends got to work in an awesome VR project.
It took a lot of effort and time but we made a game where you can fly around old Florence using a machine designed by Da Vinci. At first, I thought we weren’t going able to make it but luckly I think we pulled out an awesome experience.
The game itself was presented during a videogame expo where I worked and a lot of people loved it and tried it out. Even there were a few shady stuff regarding payments, I am actually very happy with the product itself and how much we achieved in so small time. More about this project here.
New job

This year I changed my job. I used to work at Escuela Da Vinci but given a few situations where I didn’t feel confortable, I decided that leaving was the best for both parts.
Luckily for me, I got an offer from Etermax and I got to say it was one of the best decisions I probably made. I can’t say one bad thing about my new job and I value that. Also, I had been learning a lot since I started and I hope I can somehow use that in my personal projects too.
Start of 2020
Thanks for reading everything. I am looking forward to new projects this year and probably be posting a lot more than these few months. Although, this will come in February since I am traveling to Japan in January with my girlfriend. After this long year, I am looking forward to some holidays.
Anyway, back to the projects, Summer Snow Day will have my highest priority and probably I will be making other side projects as always!
Thanks a lot for trying out what I made this year and thanks a lot again for reading!