YBit Soundtrack on Soundcloud and more!

Hello, everyone! I have updates regarding YBit, Stickerboy, the VR game, Summer Snow Day and more!

YBit Soundtrack on Soundcloud

From now you can listen to YBit Soundtrack online on Soundcloud. Just check it out here and remember to follow Iván Piccione account! (Author of the soundtracks of YBit, Wasting Bullets, Skeleball and more!)

Screenshot of YBit

Even more, few hours left for getting YBit with discount because of the Lunar Steam Sale. If you don’t have it yet, it is a great momment to get it really cheap!

Stickerboy final touches

For Stickerboy we are almost there. Just a few performance tweaks and adding a few extra assets and the web version will be finished. Hopefully, my next update will be a post announcing a release date!

VR Game News

Last week we resumed our work on the VR Game. I had been doing a few stuff but we get to reunite and talk about it and what we will be working on.

Hand inside the VR game

I had implemented a grabbing system that will help us make drawers, levers and all kind of pullable stuff.
Also, we changed the control of the hand and how it spawns discs that the player uses to move around. Still need a graphic update but it is fully functional.

This week, we should have from my side a disc bringing things and a new camera on the player arm. So stay tuned and I will let you know if I got to make it!

Summer Snow Day still working on UI

Yes, we are still on it. I know, it is taking forever. But! I believe in Chad and his vision. I know this will be for the best and once we have this working, the rest of the game should come really fast. So, I prefer taking a lot on this and iterate a lot and believe me it will be worth it!

Extra Credits Game Jam #3

For last, with a team of friends we are planning to participate in the Extra Credits Game Jam #3. In a few weeks I will be posting a lot on Twitter as always.

So… thanks for reading and stay tuned for more updates!