Da Vinci Game Jam 27/01 – 29/01

Hello, everyone!

So I am participating on a game jam!

As some of you may know, I teach at Escuela Da Vinci as my stable job. A month ago we decided to organize a game jam with another professor and invite all the students to participate. The game jam started today at 00:00 AM and will continue till Sunday at 12:00 PM. So the theme was already announced and is Legacy. Any students, or professors, can participate (except that professors can’t participate for the prizes).

So, about what I decided to do… I teamed up with the other professor that organize the jam and we are currently working on our game. We will not show much until it is done, which should be happening in less than three days!

Anyway, we already showed up this screenshot:

(Click on the image to see it)

I hope to show you the game soon but please, take in mind none of us is an artist!

Thanks for reading!