The will help you to organize wich Movie Clips you want to stop when pausing and then reproduce them once the pause is gone.
Initial set up
Just create an instance of it so you can use it. If you want, you can create an instance of it inside so you can access it from anywhere. For example:
package { import Mono.Managers.PauseManager; import Mono.Mono; import flash.display.Sprite; public class Main extends Sprite { public static var mono:Mono; public function Main() { mono = new Mono(stage); mono.pauseManager = new PauseManager(); } } }
Now you will be able to access it from anywhere by accessing mono first.
Adding and removing Movie Clips to the list
In order to add movie clips to the list just do the following:
And to remove them:
Playing and pausing all the registered Movie Clips
In order to play all the movie clips just do the following:
And to stop them:
Public Functions
- addMovieClip(mc:MovieClip):void
- removeMovieClip(mc:MovieClip):void
- stopEverything():void
- playEverything():void
Private Vars
- _allMovieClips:Vector.<MovieClip>