Sunday Devlog Update 13th of November

Hi everyone!

If you didn’t know yet, Witchcraft got Greenlit this week!

We don’t have any mayor updates on it more than our game designer finished the new skill selection screen. We plan to have it working soon in order to test it. We think it will help new players to understand what is going on.

One of the mayor updates are the new skill sets. The new players, that aren’t sure how every skill works and synergies, will be able to pick premade sets of skills. This sets will be labeled with names like, for example, “Tank” which is going to be focused on high ammount of health and close damage.

But it still isn’t finished, I will be posting more about this when it is done.

BulletHell Looping backgroundMeanwhile, I have updates from the bullet hell project. We have new ships, from the art side, that will be coded in the next days.

But the newest addon is the looping background. I know it doesn’t sound like a big deal but the cool extra side of this is that comes with a new update for Framework Mono.

Now Framework Mono has a new class, LoopingBackground, which is already in github and lets you loop any loopable background in any direction (even weird angles).

The next goal will be to add new enemies and new camera effects in order to give it a cool feeling.

There will be more updates soon, keep tuned!